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L.A.con IV: Press Release #8, February 2006

64th World Science Fiction Convention Announces Ribbon Format

February 2006

L.A.con IV
The 64th World Science Fiction Convention
P.O. Box 8442
Van Nuys CA 91409
Email: contact us


L.A.con IV Takes A Ribbon

Ribbons, serious and silly, have become a tradition of Worldcons. Not only does the convention committee produce them but it's become quite popular for individuals and groups to produce their own ribbons to distribute at the convention.

We think it's great. And we encourage you to do it.

But there's a problem. Some people's ribbons are horizontal. Other people's ribbons are vertical. Why can't we all just get along?

In the spirit of Kumbaya, the L.A.con IV committee hereby announces that all of our ribbons will be


We encourage yours to be as well.


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Press/Media: press(send e-mail)

L.A.con IV, attn: _______________________ dept.
c/o S.C.I.F.I., Inc.
P. O. Box 8442
Van Nuys CA 91409

The 64th World Science Fiction Convention, known as L.A.con IV, will take place in Anaheim, California from Wednesday, 23 August through Sunday, 27 August, 2006. More information about L.A.con IV, including current membership rates, is available from its web site (http://www.laconiv.org/) or by writing to contact us.

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The Southern California Institute for Fan Interests (S.C.I.F.I.), Inc. is a California non-profit corporation recognized as tax exempt under IRS 501(c)(3).

"WSFS", "Worldcon", "World Science Fiction Convention", "Hugo Award" and "NASFiC" are registered service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.

Rev. 02-May-2006