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Mike Donahue, films

Film Program

L.A.con IV will feature a variety of venues for special interest media programming, with emphasis on British Science Fiction, Japanese Anime, and American, Canadian, New Zealand, and Australian produced SF television. In addition we will endeavour to run all of the Best Dramatic Hugo Nominations in the best possible viewing experiences. We'll have Digital DLP projection in out big theater; and if we get films to warrant their use, we have 35mm and 70mm available. Our goal is to program the best of the best, with special consideration for shows that will play well to the large audiences at a Worldcon for participation and fan enjoyment.

Watch at the con for special announced sneak previews that may occur at the convention. Jeff Walker with GenreFilms will be joining us for his famous Trailer Park previews of coming attractions, and we'll have special guests to join us and introduce many of the films and TV shows you'll see on the big screen.

We may have a few interesting oddities to run as well, we're scouring the globe for fun fan films and unusual fare that can only be appreciated properly at a Worldcon! We'll also be running a selection of episodes from 1950s science fiction TV shows in honor of L.A.con IV's Special Guest, Frankie Thomas, the one and only Tom Corbett, Space Cadet!

See you at the Movies!

Mike Donahue
Film and Tech

Rev. 03-Jan-2006