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Sandra Childress, lounge(send e-mail)

You've got a few minutes until the next item on your "Worldcon To Do List" ~ where should you go? How about wandering into the Space Port Lounge? It's located next to the Quad (Dealers' Room and Art Show) and is an area set aside for lots of random things.

Like what? Well, you can purchase a snack or beverage, grab a chair and read a few pages in the book you just bought. You might catch a short performance on the stage area. You could even start a conversation with another cadet about the likely hood of Mars being settled by 2450. Or you can just hang out and alien-watch as they pass by.

Just finished an intense exchange with another cadet about the likelihood of there being a methane atmosphere on Pluto? Need to celebrate a successful find in the Dealers' Room? Why not slip through the Space Port Lounge and into the Under Belly Bar? There will be libations for those old enough (and able to prove it) to parttake. Designated Pilots will also have a couple of choices just for them.

More information about the offerings and schedules of activites/events/performances will be available both in the Pocket Program Book as well as on signs within the Space Port Lounge and Under Belly Bar.

Rev. 13-Jun-2006