PDF version of this form available.
Deadline for electronic ballots was Midnight, Pacific Daylight Time, 31-Jul-2006. This page has been left up for historical purposes.
For your ballot to be counted correctly, we require that all information in the member information section be filled out. Note that you do not have to vote in every category, or indicate preferences for every nominee within a category, for the form to be valid.
Only attending or supporting members of L.A.con IV may use this electronic ballot to cast a valid Hugo vote. If you are not a L.A.con IV member, please print the PDF version of the ballot. Fill out the membership application information and mail the form to the Hugo PO Box listed on the form. Please visit Registration Page for more information on becoming an attending or supporting member of L.A.con IV.
If you have moved (and have not notified L.A.con IV of your new address), enter your old address in the form and note your new address in the comment box at the end of the form below.
Article III of the Constitution of the World Science Fiction Society covers the nominating, voting and awarding procedures for the Hugo Awards. The current version of Article III can be found here.
Deadline for electronic ballots was Midnight, Pacific Daylight Time, 31-Jul-2006. This page has been left up for historical purposes.
Hugo Awards and Campbell Award voting is conducted using an alternative vote system. To vote, select your choices in each category in order of preference: "1" for first place, "2" for second place, and so on. You are not required to rank all the nominees in any category (and your Hugo Administrator would be happy if you didn't). We recommend that you not vote in any category in which you are not familiar with a majority of the nominees.
Upon submission of your ballot, you should receive a confirming email. If you do not, mail
hugos to enquire
about your ballot. If you decide not to vote in a given category, leave it blank. Note that "No Award" is a vote that none of the nominees should be given the
award in question, not an abstention.
When the ballots are counted, all the first place choices will be tabulated. If no nominee has received a majority of first place votes, the nominee with the fewest first place votes will be eliminated. If there are second place nominations on any of the eliminated nominee's ballots, they are counted as first place nominations for the remaining nominees. This process of elimination will continue until one nominee receives a majority of the votes, at which point it becomes the winner (unless the votes are outnumbered by "No Award" votes under specific conditions described in Section 3.11.2 of the WSFS Constitution).
A Few Tips That May Help You in Voting
The Nominees
A total of 533 valid Hugo nomination forms were submitted . The Professional Artist and Campbell Award categories have six nominees, and the Dramatic Presentation, Short Form has seven nominees, due to ties for fifth place.
A list of nominees, with hyperlinks to online resources, is available.
Questions may be addressed to hugos. Additional information will be posted on the Hugo Awards page.