John Lorentz,
PDF version of this form available.
For your nominations to be counted correctly, we request that all information in the member information section be filled out.
The Hugo PIN is required for on-line voting, and must be included in that field on this form.
Please note that you do not have to nominate in every category, or make the maximum five nominations in a category, for the form to be valid. In case of submission of multiple forms, whether electronic or paper, L.A.con IV will use the earliest form, as determined by submission date (electronic) or reception date (paper). (If you are submitting a corrected ballot because of a previous error, please indicate so in the "Comments and Clarifications" field.)
You must be an attending or supporting member of L.A.con IV, or have been an attending or supporting member of Interaction, to make Hugo nominations. The deadline for joining L.A.con IV in order to be eligible to make 2006 Hugo Award nominations is January 31, 2006.
You may still become a member of L.A.con IV after March 1, 2006 and vote for the 2006 Hugo Awards when the final ballot is released in April. For more information on becoming a member of L.A.con IV, see the L.A.con IV Registration page.
If you have moved, and not notified L.A.con IV of your new address, put your old address in the form, and note your new address in the comment box at the end of the form below.
Finally, the Constitution of the World Science Fiction Society stipulates that the Hugo Nomination form must enclose a copy of Article 3, which covers the nomination, voting and awarding of the Hugo Award. The copy for this version of the L.A.con IV form is here.
Works published in 2005 are eligible for the Hugo Awards being awarded in 2006. Books are considered to have been published on the publication date, which usually appears with the copyright information on the back of the title page. If there is no stated publication date, the copyright date will be used instead. A dated periodical is considered to have been published on the cover date, regardless of when it was placedon sale or copyrighted. Serialized stories or dramatic presentations are eligible in the year in which the last installment appears. A work originally appearing in a language other than English is eligible both in the year of its original appearance and in the year in which it first appears in English translation.
You may nominate up to five choices in each category. However, you are permitted (and even encouraged) to make fewer nominations or none at all if you are not familiar with a category. This is not a preferential-type form. The nominations are equally weighted, therefore the order in which you list them has no effect on the outcome.
"No Award" will appear automatically in every category on the final form -- there is no need to include it on this nomination form.
Please include source information when possible. While this is not mandatory, it does make it easier to identify what you are nominating. In the context of this form, a "professional publication" is one that had an average press run of at least 10,000 copies per issue.
The five top nominees in each category (more in case of ties, fewer if not many nominations are cast in that category) will appear on the final Hugo Awards form, which will be distributed with L.A.con IV's Progress Report Four (scheduled for publication in April 2006).
Only members of L.A.con IV will be eligible to vote on the final form.
Nomination forms must be received by Midnight (2400hrs) Pacific Standard Time, Friday night, March 10, 2006 (0800hrs GMT Saturday, March 11, 2006) to ensure that they will be counted.
Please note that items may be relocated to a different category by the Hugo administrator if they are within 20% of the category boundary (such as in the case of: Novel/Novella, Novella/Novelette, Novelette/Short Story, and Dramatic Presentation, Long Form/Dramatic Presentation, Short Form).
Questions may be addressed to Additional information
will be posted on the Hugo Awards page.