L.A.con IV: Press Release #6, January 2006
January 2006
You've Got Mail!
L.A.con IV's Progress Report 3 Is In The Mail
At a groaning 60 pages, Progress Report 3 for the 2006 World Science Fiction Convention has gone into the mail.
The contents of this PR includes the nomination ballot for the Hugo Awards as well as Hotel Reservation information. Reservations for the L.A.con IV block, both via mail and on-line from the L.A.con IV website, open on 1 January 2006.
Also in this Progress Report is a bio on Fan Guest of Honor Howard DeVore and numerous articles about proposed major program items, the Masquerade, and other projects of the convention. Also inside is the Worldcon Constitution and related rules material, updated membership and committee lists, and other information.
The cover of PR3 is another in a series by Steve Stiles.
Progress Report 3 went to the post office on Wednesday, 22 December. Copies to US residents went out standard bulk rate. Copies to members in other countries were either sent first class or were "drop shipped" to a local representative in their country or area, to be mailed through the local postal service.
If you have trouble with receiving your Progress Report, please contactmembershipafter allowing a reasonable amount of time for its
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L.A.con IV, attn: _______________________ dept.
c/o S.C.I.F.I., Inc.
P. O. Box 8442
Van Nuys CA 91409
The 64th World Science Fiction Convention, known as L.A.con IV, will take place in Anaheim, California from Wednesday, 23 August through Sunday, 27 August, 2006. More information about L.A.con IV, including current membership rates, is available from its web site (http://www.laconiv.org/) or by writing to contact us.
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The Southern California Institute for Fan Interests (S.C.I.F.I.), Inc. is a California non-profit corporation recognized as tax exempt under IRS 501(c)(3).
"WSFS", "Worldcon", "World Science Fiction Convention", "Hugo Award" and "NASFiC" are registered service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.