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Rev. 05-Sep-2006

This is the L.A.con IV schedule, updated as of this date. We will try to keep this as up to date as possible. Be sure, at the convention, to check out the daily newsletter for the latest updates.

fri 08:00HILTON SNSM373 BOB BURNS AND HIS FAN FILMS nocat rev. Sat Aug 12 23:49:35 2006
fri 10:00ACC 201-B387 SPACE ARTFrank Wu(M), Joe Bergeron, Joy Day, Rick Sternbachart rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:25 2006
Astronomical artists talk about their profession. Do you have to know a lot about astronomy and get the planets and stars exactly right or does it just have to look good?
fri 10:00ACC 201-C375 WSFS BUSINESS MEETINGKevin Standlee, Pat McMurray, Deb Geisler, Donald Eastlake IIIfandom rev. Mon Aug 21 14:05:11 2006
Every member of L.A.con IV is a member of WSFS, the World Science Fiction Society, and is eligible to attend and vote at the Society's Business Meetings. It's here that the Constitution and Rules that govern the Worldcons are discussed and voted upon. Today most proposals to amend the WSFS Consitution will be debated and voted upon. Exercise your rights as a member of the Society by attending and voting.
fri 10:00ACC 201-D376 ARE CLONES KOSHER?Sam Scheiner, Mary Rosenblum, Deborah J Ross, Cynthia Felice(M), Richard Fossgeneral rev. Thu Aug 24 09:23:17 2006
When we' re finally able to clone a chicken breast, will it be something that vegetarians will eat? Will it be Kosher? Halaal? Will it taste the same as the "original"? Will anyone want to eat it? Many science fiction authors have speculated about "vat-grown meat", but are we actually on the verge of having it to serve on the dinner table? Will it help end famine and starvation, or just make things worse?
fri 10:00ACC 202-AB377 HOW STAR TREK AFFECTED OUR LIVESJacqueline Lichtenberg, Jane Espenson, Carol Paoluccitrek rev. Thu Aug 10 09:22:31 2006
Fans of Star Trek talk about how watching the show changed them, changed the course of their lives. What did Star Trek do for you?
fri 10:00ACC 203-AB378 THE THREE AGES OF KING KONGKaren Haber, James W. Fiscus(M), Connie Willis, Ric Meyersmedia rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Fans of this great ape talk about the three versions. Is Peter Jackson's version the ultimate telling?
fri 10:00ACC 205-A389 INTRODUCTION TO KLINGONDr. Lawrence M. Schoenoneman rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
80% of the grammar in 50 minutes, from one of the leading lights in Klingon linguistics
fri 10:00ACC 207-A380 FICTION 2005/2006Paula Guran, Gary K. Wolfe, Jonathan Strahan, Charles N. Brown(M), Ellen Datlowlit rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
High Fantasy. Hard Science Fiction. Dark Fantasy. Squishy Science Fiction. Some of science fiction's most outspoken reviewers give their opinions on what was worth reading.
fri 10:00ACC 207-B381 THE FUTURE OF MEDICINEBill Thomasson, John Scalzi, ElizaBeth Gilligan, John Strickland, David F. McMahon, MD(M)scitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Medicine is evolving at an amazing pace. New discoveries, technology, etc. are announced every day. What will medicine be like in 100 years? Will we have tricorders and neuroscanners like in Star Trek? How about growing or cloning organs? Will we be using organics to solve problems instead of nanobots?
fri 10:00ACC 207-C382 THE ANALOG STORY: WHAT IS IT?Michael F. Flynn(M), Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Stanley Schmidt, Harry Turtledove, Allen M. Steelewritpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Over the years, "Analog" editor Stanley Schmidt has discovered that there are a lot of common misconceptions about just what makes a story an "Analog" story. Along with several of the magazine's regular contributors, Schmidt will share his views of just what it is they're trying to do, how it isn't all rivets and getting the science right
fri 10:00ACC 207-D383 EUROPEAN SPACE PROGRAMSEdwin L. Strickland III, Hugh S. Gregory(M), Robert Gounley, Scott Edgingtonscitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
What's going on with the European Space Agency? What missions have they undertaken recently and what's planned for the future?
fri 10:00ACC 208-AB384 CREATING COMMUNITIES THROUGH THE INTERNETCraig Newmark, Noel Wolfman, Teresa Nielsen Hayden(M)general rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
The web isn't just for research, for posting comments on the latest episode of Lost, or to find porn. It can also be used to create communities. The best example of this is "craigslist", now with over 200 sites in 35 countries. Craig Newmark, founder of craigslist, and others, talk about what they're doing and why. And where we can go from here.
fri 10:00ACC 210-A385 THE CONTRACT BETWEEN READER AND WRITERLouise Marley, Peter S. Beagle, Nancy Kress, Jean Lorrah, Ph.D., Lorien Gray(M)lit rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
An arrangement of convenience? How can we define the process, and what does each partner bring to it?
fri 10:00ACC 210-B386 WRITING FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTSRebecca Moesta, Ellen Klages, William F. Wu, Garth Nixwritpub rev. Fri Aug 25 09:14:52 2006
Does it take special training or knowledge to write books and stories for children and young adults? Are they different from adult works in any way, other than vocabulary? How do you break in? And if you write for kids, is it hard to also write for adults?
fri 10:00ACC 210-C374 WOMEN IN SCIENCE IN SCIENCE FICTIONMary A. Turzillo, Loretta McKibben, Bridget Landry, Cordelia Willis(M)scitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Women scientists have featured prominently in many science fiction stories. Panelists talk about the image of women in science fiction stories, from the classics to today. How accurate are the depictions? And are these women scientists really scientists or just secretaries in lab coats?
fri 10:00ACC 210-D388 GETTING STARTED WRITING SF -- PART IIKeith R.A. DeCandido(M), Kathleen Ann Goonan, Tim Powers, Ashley Grayson, Stephen Leighwritpub rev. Thu Aug 10 18:02:24 2006
Going from amateur to professional writer is a big step. How do you get started? In Part I, new writers gave you their advice. Today in Part II, editors and established writers give you theirs. Compare these expert's answers with those of Thursday's panel.
fri 10:00ACC 211-A379 SF POETRYVanessa Van Wagner, Darrell Schweitzer(M), Kevin Andrew Murphy, Geoffrey A. Landiswritpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
What is it? Is there a market for it? How do you start?
fri 10:00ACC 211-B390 RELIGION IN SF BOOKS & MOVIESFr. John Blaker(M), John Maddox Roberts, Dr. Bob Blackwood, Robert Charles Wilson, Randy Smithgeneral rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Religion is frequently ignored in science fiction and fantasy. But sometimes it isn't. How is it treated? Do we see standard Earth religions or all-new ones? Or ones that just think they're all new? Some authors seem to think that, come the future, all people will just abandon their religious beliefs. Does that seem likely?
fri 10:00ACC 212-A391 WORLD OF WARCRACKRaph Koster(M), Mike Stemmle, William B. Fawcett, Justin Lloyd, Scott Campbellgaming rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Massively Multiplayer Online Games have long been popular but none have ever been as popular as World of Warcraft. (At its height, "Everquest" had fewer than one million subscribers; WoW has about six million.) Why are these sorts of games popular and what is it about WoW that makes it king?
fri 10:00ACC 212-B392 THE FUTURE OF THE U.N.Tad Daley(M), Brenda Cooper, Grant Kruger, Jim Young, John Shirleygeneral rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Third world countries are starting to unite and stand up to the first world. Sometimes this is good, sometimes not. What does the future hold? Which countries will lead this power change (if any) and what are the implications? Is it inevitable? And desirable?
fri 10:00ACC AR-1393 RE-IMAGININGSPaul Cornell(M), MaryAnn Johanson, Shaun Lyon, Lee Whitesidemedia rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:25 2006
More than just a euphemism for "remake" and "cashing in", some TV series are actually well-thought out new adaptations of the same material. Battlestar Galactica and Dr. Who are two good examples of high quality shows that respect their antecedents but bring much that is new and good to the material. What changes get made and why? Are the audiences and commercial pressures different now than for the original?
fri 10:00ACC AR-2394 GIVING GOOD INTERVIEWRobert J. Sawyer, Lee Martindale, Evo Terra(M), Jeff Berkwits, Karen Willsonwritpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Panelists discuss what it takes to give a good press interview or anything involving promotion of your own works and activities.
fri 10:00ACC ARENA398 MASQUERADE ORIENTATIONPhil Fogliocostuming rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
For all people entering the Masquerade, to have the ins, outs, and details of what will be happening tonight explained and all (or most) of your questions answered.
fri 10:00ACC ATGR1403 AUTOGRAPHING: BOB EGGLETONBob Eggletonautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 10:00ACC ATGR2404 AUTOGRAPHING: LAURA FRANKOSLaura Frankosautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 10:00ACC ATGR3405 AUTOGRAPHING: MELINDA M. SNODGRASSMelinda M. Snodgrassautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 10:00ACC ATGR4406 AUTOGRAPHING: ALAN DEAN FOSTERAlan Dean Fosterautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 10:00ACC ATGR5407 AUTOGRAPHING: MARK VON SCHLEGELLMark von Schlegellautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 10:00ACC ATGR6408 AUTOGRAPHING: SEAN MCMULLENSean McMullenautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 10:00HILTON CR9412 READING: KAY KENYONKay Kenyonreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 10:00ACC CSP395 SCIENCE FUNElvis Elder, Simone van Zylscitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
We have some fun with science things and attempt not to blow up the place.
fri 10:00HILTON ELCP396 TECHNO-FILK: MIDI FOR KIDSMarilyn Miller, Bill Laubenheimerfilking rev. Wed Aug 23 11:07:03 2006
MIDI programming for kids. Learn how a MIDI sequencer works with a PC to make music.
fri 10:00ACC KAFF1409 KAFFEKLATSCH: RACHEL MANIJA BROWNRachel Manija Brownkaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 10:00ACC KAFF2410 KAFFEKLATSCH: ELLEN KUSHNEREllen Kushnerkaffe rev. Sat Aug 12 12:34:14 2006
fri 10:00ACC KAFF3411 KAFFEKLATSCH: CECILIA TANCecilia Tankaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 10:00HILTON LIDA397 SIDEWISE AWARD CEREMONYEvelyn C. Leepermisc/sigs rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
The annual awards for Alternate History works are presented.
fri 10:00HILTON LIDB413 READING: WILLIAM SHUNNWilliam Shunnreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 10:00HILTON LIDC414 READING: JOHN BARNESJohn Barnesreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 10:00HILTON OCNSD399 WORKSHOP: ORDERING CONCERT PLAYLIST & CD TRACKSGretchen Roperfilking rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
A workshop on how to assemble a successful concert playlist and arrange the track order on an album.
fri 10:00HILTON PLVD400 FANZINES I'D LIKE TO PUBLISHJerry Kaufman(M), Bridget Bradshaw, Christopher J. Garciafandom rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Panelists discuss their dream fanzines, from the ridiculous to the sublime.
fri 10:00HILTON SMCA415 READING: KEVIN J. ANDERSONKevin J. Andersonreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 10:00HILTON SNSM402 FILM PROGRAM: STAR TREK nocat rev. Sat Aug 12 23:49:35 2006
fri 10:00HILTON VENT401 PERSPECTIVES ON SF & MEDIA 1: THE HERO lit rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Panel Chair: Amelia Beamer, Michigan State 1. Chakram and Pigtails: The Heroine’s Journey in Modern Media; Valerie Frankel, San Jose State 2. Gamer Culture; Sara Stepongzi, California State University, Northridge 3. Canon, Sues, and Canon Sues; Gabrielle Lissauer; California State University, Northridge
fri 11:00ACC ATGR1417 AUTOGRAPHING: MARV WOLFMANMarv Wolfmanautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 11:00ACC ATGR2418 AUTOGRAPHING: ANNE MCCAFFREYAnne McCaffreyautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 11:00ACC ATGR4420 AUTOGRAPHING: ROBIN WAYNE BAILEYRobin Wayne Baileyautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 11:00ACC ATGR5421 AUTOGRAPHING: BRANDON SANDERSONBrandon Sandersonautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 11:00ACC ATGR6- AUTOGRAPHING: Charlaine HarrisCharlaine Harrisautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 11:00HILTON CR9424 READING: HOWARD V. HENDRIXHoward V. Hendrixreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 11:00ACC CSP416 CAREER GUIDANCE - HOW TO GET INTO THE TRADE?Amy Sterling Casil, Jerry Pournelle, John G. Hemry, Steve Saffel, David Brin(M)writpub rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:25 2006
Why Teens should start writing now, scams and rip offs to avoid, and how to get into the writing and publishing business.
fri 11:00ACC KAFF1422 KAFFEKLATSCH: LAURA ANNE GILMANLaura Anne Gilmankaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 11:00ACC KAFF3423 KAFFEKLATSCH: SCOTT E. GREENScott E. Greenkaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 11:00HILTON LIDB425 READING: HILARI BELLHilari Bellreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 11:00HILTON LIDC426 READING: NICK DICHARIONick DiCharioreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 11:00HILTON SMCA427 READING: GEORGE R.R. MARTINGeorge R.R. Martinreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 11:30ACC 201-B428 DANTE'S COVE PREVIEW: LUNCH AT THE COVEGillian Horvath, Sam Irvin, Jon Fleming, Tracy Scoggins, Matt Freeman, Mary Feuermedia rev. Thu Aug 24 13:51:37 2006
How has the landscape changed for queer content in SF/F TV? We've come a long way, from the encoded characters of Xena to the out characters of Buffy to the predominantly gay and lesbian characters of Dante's Cove," here! Network's sexy, supernatural original drama. The producers, director, and cast members of this groundbreaking original series will be sharing never-before-seen footage from the upcoming second season, and discussing the unique challenges and opportunities of making a "guilty pleasure" show with a queer twist. Stay after the Q&A for a mixer with panelists, fans, and snacks. Gillian Horvath, Meredith Kadlec, Sam Irvin, Patrick Moore and cast member Tracy Scoggins (Babylon 5). Additional cast TBD.
fri 11:30ACC 201-D431 HOWARD DEVORE MEMORIALAndrew I. Porter, Roger Sims(M), Karen Anderson, Len J. Moffatt, Rusty Hevelin, Joe Siclari, Roger Sims(M), Khen Mooreevents rev. Wed Aug 23 11:21:36 2006
Come share your memories -- happy and sad, funny and really funny -- about Howard DeVore. L.A.con's Fan Guest of Honor may not be with us in person, but we know he's watching. Come celebrate his life with family and friends.
fri 11:30ACC 202-AB432 STARSHIP SMACKDOWN (PRESENTED BY GEEK MAGAZINE)Mark Altman, Daren Dochterman, Robert Meyer Burnett, Steve Melching, Chris Gossett, Kay Reindl, Jeff Bondmedia rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
The legendarily geekiest convention panel of all-time makes its first Worldcon appearance after another SRO appearance at last year's San Diego Comic Con. Ever wonder if the Jupiter 2 could kick the Sulaco's ass? Can the Serenity make mincemeat out of a Klingon D-7 battle cruiser? And will the Yamato ever be able to beat Captain Kirk's Starship Enterprise? There's only one way to find out. Be there or be squarer than you already are.
fri 11:30ACC 203-AB433 CRAIG NEWMARK ON CRAIGSLISTCraig Newmarkgeneral rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
The founder and CEO of craigslist talks about how a small website to help find things to do in San Francisco has grown into the prototype for internet communities, with sites in over 200 cities and 35 countries.
fri 11:30ACC 204-ABC430 THE CHANNEL SURFER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY performances rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
The Trans-Iowa Canal Company's sixty-sixth performance finds Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect facing the cancellation of their television program. They are able to escape into the airwaves using their wits and intestinal fortitude. Oh, and a magical remote and Ford's copy of "The Channel Surfer's Guide to the Galaxy." Unfortunately, they are pursued by the evil Network Executives who have plans of their own for Arthur and Ford. Avoiding stabbings, shootings, and explosions, our heroes face their greatest challenge of all... a music video.
fri 11:30ACC 205-A434 THE ART OF JOE BERGERONJoe Bergeron(M)oneman rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
The artist presents a slide show of his work.
fri 11:30ACC 205-B435 SIGHTSEEING IN JAPANJohn Maizels(M), Tadao Tomomatsu, Takayuki Karahashi, Hirohide Hirai, Evelyn C. Leeper, Hiroaki Inoue, Maho Watanabegeneral rev. Thu Aug 24 10:36:57 2006
Where to go and what to do before and after next year's Worldcon. And what should I know about the Japanese culture to keep me from insulting anyone by mistake?
fri 11:30ACC 206-A429 HOW TO KILL OFF A CHARACTERMike Shepherd Moscoe, Richard Chwedyk, Madeleine E. Robins, Deborah J Ross(M), Alma Alexanderwritpub rev. Sat Aug 12 13:05:10 2006
You spend time crafting characters, thinking about who they are, what they want, what they care about. You tell stories about them, lovingly crafted. Now it's time for them to die. How do you do it? And what can happen if you do.
fri 11:30ACC 207-A436 WORLD GOVERNMENTBrenda Cooper, Tad Daley(M), John Barnes, John Shirley, Karl Schroedergeneral rev. Thu Aug 24 11:41:06 2006
Is it a real possibility or mere science fiction? Many SF novels take something like a world state for granted, as part of the background of their future universe. Yet if one talks about world government as a concrete political goal -- however distant -- people often dismiss it as hopelessly naive and utopian. What is the likelihood of it ever happening?
fri 11:30ACC 207-B447 FILMS 2005/2006Bill Warren, MaryAnn Johanson, Dr. Bob Blackwood, Dr. John L. Flynn(M)media rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Not for the squeamish. That describes a number of the science fiction and fantasy films that have come out this year. It also describes the reviews a number of films have received. Come hear our experts' opinions and see how they differ from yours.
fri 11:30ACC 207-C438 WHERE DO MILITIAS LEAD?J.G. Hertzler, John Maddox Roberts, Walter H. Hunt, Richard Foss(M)general rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
SF fans like to think of themselves as rebels and they like to read stories of people who are the same. But are Gordon Dickson's Dorsai and S.M. Stirling's Draka just a natural extension of today's militias? What about Heinlein's Farnhams Freehold? Are these militiamen the reality?
fri 11:30ACC 207-D439 FUNNY STORIES FROM SCIENCE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTSam Scheiner, Loretta McKibben, Jordin Kare, Steven Lopata(M), Geoffrey A. Landisscitech rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:25 2006
Our panelists will entertain you (and frighten you) with personal experiences and other true stories about the R&D business.
fri 11:30ACC 208-AB440 WEAPONIZING SPACEPaul A. Abell, Hugh S. Gregory(M), James Killus, David F. McMahon, MDscitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Good idea? Bad idea? Inevitable whether or not we think it's good or bad? How do you define a weapon when a rock dropped from space can create massive damage?
fri 11:30ACC 210-A441 BOOKS THAT SHOULD BE FILMEDMichael Cassutt, Frank Wu, Fiona Patton(M), Michael Goldenberg, Mary A. Turzillo, Jacqueline Lichtenbergmedia rev. Wed Aug 23 11:15:45 2006
Everyone talks about what has been filmed. Here is a discussion of works that haven't been filmed but should be. What should you look for to make a good film? What won't translate from the printed word to the visual media? Why haven't these works been made?
fri 11:30ACC 210-B442 IT CRAWLED OUT OF THE SLUSH PILEStephen Eley, Betsy Mitchell, Alan Rodgers, John Joseph Adamswritpub rev. Tue Aug 15 06:35:57 2006
Editors share their "favorite" stories of manuscripts that were a triumph of hope over talent.
fri 11:30ACC 210-C443 IS THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD THE DEATH OF GOD?Robert B Hole, Jr.(M), Tim Powers, Mark von Schlegell, Jack McDevittgeneral rev. Mon Aug 21 14:11:07 2006
Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, and Einstein have included religion in their commentary. How have scientific methods changed over the centuries and how has it affected science's relationship with religion? When all actions can be described by physics and all life can be described by biology and chemistry, is there any room for the miraculous, the ineffable?
fri 11:30ACC 210-D444 WRITING CHARACTERS YOU DIDN'T CREATEMargaret Wander Bonanno, Jane Espenson, Melinda M. Snodgrass(M), Daniel Abrahamlit rev. Fri Aug 25 10:19:24 2006
It's one thing to create characters, come up with who they are, what they're like, and how they talk. It's quite another to come into someone else's world and have to tell stories with and about those characters. How do you keep them the same and still put some of yourself into them? Or should you even try?
fri 11:30ACC 211-A445 TEACHING SCIENCE FICTIONBradford Lyau, Jean Lorrah, Ph.D., Gary K. Wolfe, Michael S. Brotherton(M)lit rev. Mon Aug 21 14:52:11 2006
What does it mean to "teach science fiction"? How do you do it? How do you do it well? How do you incorporate science fiction into a curriculum?
fri 11:30ACC 211-B446 FORGOTTEN FAVORITES OF CHILDHOODAmy Thomson(M), Garth Nix, K. A. Bedford, Janet Wilson Anderson, Rachel Manija Brownlit rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
What books and stories do you remember best from childhood? Our panelists talk about their favorites and ask about yours.
fri 11:30ACC 212-A- ACE/ROC: WHAT'S AHEADGinjer Buchananwritpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
A look at what's ahead from Ace/Roc.
fri 11:30ACC 212-B437 THE PHYSICS OF SUPERHEROESJames Hay, Courtney Willis, David D. Levine, Tom Galloway, Kevin Andrew Murphycomics rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Is there anything believable about Superman's powers? Batman's abilities? How can you explain what superheroes do?
fri 11:30ACC ARTSH767 DOCENT TOUR: THE ART SHOWCtein, Teresa Nielsen Haydenart rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Come take a guided tour of the Art Show with a knowledgeable guide who won't lead you astray. Check the schedule for additional tours and guides.
fri 11:30HILTON CAPAB448 HAVE YOU TOLD YOUR NEXT OF KIN YOU WRITE FILKSONGS & FANFIC?Lynn Maudlinfilking rev. Wed Aug 9 11:46:39 2006
Pre-mortem planning to provide for your filksongs and fan fiction, as found on webpages, fanzine collections, etc. Emphasis on the filk collections at the Eaton Collection (UC Riverside) and Bowling Green State University's Music Library.
fri 11:30HILTON LAGA449 TECHNO-FILK: BANGING OUT THE FILK BYTES ON YOUR LAPTOPBill Laubenheimer, Marilyn Millerfilking rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Using your PC as a filk instrument: MIDI and MP3 files.
fri 11:30HILTON MLBU450 COSTUMING WITH LEATHERKent Elofson, Leanne Mallory(M), Kevin Rochecostuming rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
How to make costumes with leather.
fri 11:30HILTON PLVD451 FANNISH URBAN LEGENDS EXPOSEDTom Whitmore(M), Jerry Kaufman, Bjo Trimblefandom rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Everyone's heard that story. But that's not exactly the way it happened. Hear the real stories.
fri 11:30HILTON SLNS452 FURRY MYTHOS furry rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
From ancient cultures, to movies and TV, to the modern world of the Internet, anthropomorphic characters abound. What's our fascination with talking animals? What does it say about us, and our culture?
fri 12:00ACC ATGR1457 AUTOGRAPHING: DAVID FRIEDMANDavid Friedmanautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 12:00ACC ATGR2458 AUTOGRAPHING: HILARI BELLHilari Bellautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 12:00ACC ATGR3459 AUTOGRAPHING: VERA NAZARIANVera Nazarianautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 12:00ACC ATGR4460 AUTOGRAPHING: LAURA ANNE GILMANLaura Anne Gilmanautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 12:00ACC ATGR5461 AUTOGRAPHING: SCOTT E. GREENScott E. Greenautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 12:00HILTON CR9464 READING: CECILIA TANCecilia Tanreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 12:00ACC CSP454 SPACE PIRATE CRASH TEST DUMMIES - SPACE SHIP BUILDStef Lancaster, Elvis Elder, Simone van Zyl, Max, James Bacon, Lara Collinsscitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Like the car manufacturers of the 20th century who tested the safety of their vehicles by crashing them with human "dummies" inside them, we design and build space ships today and do the same tests tomorrow!! The ship will need to travel a specified distance under it’s own power to enter. The Pirate Pilot will either be a raw egg or one filled with jello, previously decorated.
fri 12:00ACC KAFF1462 KAFFEKLATSCH: TONI WEISSKOPFToni Weisskopfkaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 12:00ACC KAFF3463 KAFFEKLATSCH: NAOMI NOVIKNaomi Novikkaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 12:00HILTON LIDB465 READING: DR. LAWRENCE M. SCHOENDr. Lawrence M. Schoenreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 12:00HILTON LIDC466 READING: JODY LYNN NYEJody Lynn Nyereadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 12:00HILTON SMCA597 READING: GREG BEARGreg Bearreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 12:00HILTON SNSM455 FAN FILM: LARA CROFT TOMB RAIDER - TEARS OF THE DRAGON nocat rev. Sat Aug 12 23:49:35 2006
fri 12:00ACC SPL456 JOHN DECHANCIE nocat rev. Sat Aug 12 23:58:48 2006
fri 13:00ACC 201-B472 EOS BOOKS: THE NEXT CHAPTER writpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Diana Gill and Eos authors talk about upcoming Eos books for Fall '06 and Winter '07, with signed giveaways and more.
fri 13:00ACC 201-C469 SHORT FICTIONJames Patrick Kelly, Alastair Reynolds(M), Gardner Dozois, John Kessel, Ellen Datlowwritpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Can you survive as a writer just writing short fiction? How do you know if an idea is right for a short story or should it be a novel? Or something in between? Are there real differences between short stories, novelettes, and novellas other than length?
fri 13:00ACC 202-AB470 WHY IS FANDOM SO WHITE?Cecilia Tan(M), Grant Kruger, June Moffatt, Chris M. Barkleyfandom rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:25 2006
An exploration of minorities in Science Fiction Fandom.
fri 13:00ACC 203-AB471 WOMEN OF STAR TREKMarina Sirtis, Chase Masterson, BarBara Luna, Suzie Plaksonmedia rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Women on Star Trek sometimes seem to come in only two types: steely-eyed, super serious and hotties. Neither one is a very real character. What does it take to bring one of these characters to life, to add depth and real emotion? Or do you just have fun with it?
fri 13:00ACC 204-ABC467 STAR WARS: A LOOK BACK, A LOOK FORWARDSteve Sansweetmedia rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Thirty years ago some cast and crew of a small, strange, and mostly unknown science-fiction/fantasy film that would open the following year came to the 34th World Science Fiction Convention in Kansas City. For hundreds of thousands of fans across the world, things have never been quite the same. Lucasfilm's Steve Sansweet, head of fan relations, takes us back to that time with rare photos and explains how The Star Wars Corporation really started the whole idea of fan outreach for a movie. Now three decades later, George Lucas has completed his six-movie saga -- but Star Wars hasn't even entered middle age. Find out what's next for the saga: two television series, interactive gaming with compelling stories, and more -- and have a chance to ask Steve your questions.
fri 13:00ACC 205-A496 GOLDEN DUCK AWARDSHelen Gbala, Lindalee Stuckey, Douglas Drummond, Scott Westerfeldmisc/sigs rev. Thu Aug 24 17:11:51 2006
The annual presentation of the Golden Duck Awards for Excellence in Children's Science Fiction.
fri 13:00ACC 205-B473 SCIENCE FICTION OF THE '30S AND '40SDarrell Schweitzer, Gary Westfahl, Hank Reinhardt, Jim Young, Ben Yalow(M), Lydia van Vogtlit rev. Wed Aug 9 15:36:39 2006
A discussion of science fiction of the period. How was it different from what's out there today? Was it better? What are some of the best examples?
fri 13:00ACC 206-A474 SCIENCE FICTION IN COMICSGreg Pak, Paul Cornell(M), Christopher Young, Harry Harrison, Doselle Youngcomics rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
A discussion of past and current science fiction successes and failures in comics, and why this has been a troublesome commercial marriage of form and content.
fri 13:00ACC 207-B475 ROBOCOP VS. REAL COP: FUTURE LAW ENFORCEMENTLawrence Person, Ed Green, David Friedman(M), Cordelia Willisgeneral rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:25 2006
The crime labs of today make any major police department into a Sherlock Holmes. What will the future bring? Criminologists and others discuss what changes they're already seeing in their work and what they expect for the future.
fri 13:00ACC 207-C476 FRANKENSTEIN 75Charles Lee Jackson II, Eric L. Hoffman(M), Scott Essmanmedia rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Seventy-five years ago, in 1931, Universal Studios released Frankenstein and brought "the modern Prometheus" to the silver screen. Since then, Frankenstein (or, more correctly, his monster) has seen a lot of changes, from the original through sequels and remakes and versions by Andy Warhol, Roger Corman, and Mel Brooks. Come take part as experts and fans reminisce about Frankenstein "puttin' on the Ritz".
fri 13:00ACC 207-D477 FASTER THAN LIGHT OR SLOWER THAN MOLASSESJoe Bergeron, Allen M. Steele(M), Todd McCaffrey, Henry Harris, Jack McDevitt, Mark L. Olsonscitech rev. Mon Aug 21 15:02:47 2006
A discussion on the realities of space travel.
fri 13:00ACC 208-AB478 BLOGGERS AS PUBLIC INTELLECTUALSMaryAnn Johanson, Phil Plait, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Kevin Drum, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Cory Doctorow(M)general rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:24 2006
H.L. Mencken, Edmund Wilson, I.F. Stone, Germaine Greer, Gertrude Stein, Hannah Arendt all gained prominence as American public intellectuals through newspaper columns and books of collected essays. Is the Blogosphere spawning a contemporary generation of important public thinkers? Who are the ones you can't afford to miss? What are they saying?
fri 13:00ACC 210-A479 ALIEN ARTIFACTSLisanne Norman(M), Pat Cadigan, Barbara Hambly, Marsha Jones, ElizaBeth Gilligangeneral rev. Thu Aug 24 18:03:23 2006
Our distinguished panel of experts will identify unusual alien items and discuss their uses.
fri 13:00ACC 210-B468 OVERLOOKED BOOKS & OVERRATED NOVELSMichael Engelberg, Alex Eisenstein, Andrew Wheelerlit rev. Fri Aug 25 10:24:18 2006
For some reason, some terrific books just don't sell. Nobody's ever heard of them. Others are taught in college as classics of the field, but no one can understand why. Our panelists let you in on some unknown classics you shouldn't miss while they dismiss some lofty `classics'.
fri 13:00ACC 210-C480 BUSINESS, COPYRIGHT, AND PUBLIC DOMAINJohn R. Douglas, David Cake(M), Eleanor Wood, M. Christine Valada, Esq., Lorien Graygeneral rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Congress keeps extending the life of copyrights. Is this good for authors and other creators or just for the mega-corporations? Where is "intellectual property" going in the US? In the world?
fri 13:00ACC 211-A481 PARODY, PASTICHE, AND HUMORPeter S. Beagle, Lee Martindale, John Scalzi, Stanley Schmidt, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff(M)writpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
There's a time and place for everything. Or is there? Does humor have a place in modern fiction? Can there ever be too much?
fri 13:00ACC 211-B482 NOT TONIGHT, DEAR, I HAVE A DEADLINEElizaBeth Gilliganwritpub rev. Thu Aug 24 16:19:02 2006
Life and living with a professional writer or artist.
fri 13:00ACC 212-A483 THE FUTURE OF SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY ARTJohn Picacio(M), Karen Haber, Jane Frank, Margaret Organ-Kean, Bob Eggletonart rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Over the past 70 plus years, science fiction illustration has changed dramatically. The '30s and '40s had their flashy, lurid covers. The '50s and '60s sported high tech space-scapes and abstracts. The '70s and '80s have brought us photo-realism. What were the trends of the recent decades? What lies ahead?
fri 13:00ACC AR-1485 EXPLORING SPACEEdwin L. Strickland III, Robert Gounley, John Strickland(M), Kurt Miller, G. David Nordleyscitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
What are our options for future space exploration? What should we be doing? Where should we be going? How can individuals get involved? Should it be government sponsored or come from the private sector?
fri 13:00ACC AR-2486 LA CAGE AUX FANSMark Merlino, Rod O'Riley, Lance Sibley, Ctein(M), Mary A. Turzillogeneral rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Gays have been around forever. It goes without saying, then, that they've always been a part of Fandom. How has fannish life changed over the years for Gay Fans and what's it like now?
fri 13:00ACC ARTSH498 DOCENT TOUR: THE ART SHOWSteve Hickmanart rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Come take a guided tour of the Art Show with a knowledgeable guide who won't lead you astray. Check the schedule for additional tours and guides.
fri 13:00ACC ATGR1484 SPACE CADETS SIGNINGMike Resnick, Nancy Kress, David Gerrold, Tobias S. Buckell, Elisabeth Malartre, Larry Niven, Nick DiChario, Connie Willis, Bradley H. Sinor, David Brin, Craig Miller(M), Harry Turtledove, Stephen Leigh, James Gurney, Kay Kenyon, John DeChancie, Kevin J. Anderson, Dr. Gregory Benfordautog rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:25 2006
The authors and others involved with L.A.con IV's limited edition anthology, Space Cadets, gather to sign copies of the book.
fri 13:00HILTON CAPAB487 HYMNAL SING: THE FILKSONG MANUALErwin S. Filthy Pierre Strauss, Karen Andersonfilking rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Join Erwin S. “Filthy Pierre” Strauss and Karen Anderson singing from Bruce Pelz’s Filksong Manual
fri 13:00HILTON CR9503 READING: DON SAKERSDon Sakersreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 13:00ACC KAFF1499 KAFFEKLATSCH: JOHN SKIPPJohn Skippkaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 13:00ACC KAFF2- KAFFEKLATSCH: KATHLEEN ANN GOONANKathleen Ann Goonankaffe rev. Fri Aug 11 13:07:29 2006
fri 13:00ACC KAFF3500 KAFFEKLATSCH: ROBIN WAYNE BAILEYRobin Wayne Baileykaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 13:00HILTON LAGB489 BORN A FILKER: THE 2ND GENERATIONTJ Burnside-Clapp, Miles Burnside-Clapp, Katy Savitzkyfilking rev. Tue Aug 8 13:49:45 2006
Are you the offspring of a filker? Discuss what this has done to your life with other 2nd Gen Filkers.
fri 13:00HILTON LAJO488 FIRST FANDOMArt Widner, David A. Kyle(M)fandom rev. Mon Aug 21 14:51:36 2006
A look at the people, if not for whom, we wouldn't be here today.
fri 13:00HILTON LIDB501 READING: RICHARD CHWEDYKRichard Chwedykreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 13:00HILTON LIDC502 READING: PHYLLIS EISENSTEINPhyllis Eisensteinreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 13:00HILTON MLBU490 TECHNIQUES IN FIBERBLASS COSTUMINGEdward Endrescostuming rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
A slide show on how to make fiberglass elements of your costumes.
fri 13:00HILTON OCNSD- CASTING CALL: KAMIKAZE MORON filking rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 13:00HILTON PLVD491 FAMOUS FANNISH PRANKS & STUNTSRoger Sims(M), Christopher J. Garcia, Mike Glyer, Seth Breidbartfandom rev. Sat Aug 12 10:47:57 2006
Did ya hear the one about the water bombs dropped out of the window of Room 770? Or the Columbus in '86 hoax bid? And have you seen any of those phony Daily Newszines that circulate every Worldcon? Some of fandom's favorite pranksters tell you some of their favorites.
fri 13:00HILTON SLNS492 FURGONOMICS furry rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
A discussion group for writers and world-builders: Designing everyday "stuff" with non-human characters in mind. Just what would a chair look like if you had four legs? Or a tail, for that matter?
fri 13:00HILTON SMCA494 STOP ME BEFORE I COLLECT AGAINMilton F. Stevens(M), Scott Alan Woodard, Michael J. Walsh, Chris Weber, Michael Wardfandom rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Most fans have a passion for collecting, whether it's books, comics, art, teddy bears, or tea pots. The question is how do we keep these collections from taking over lives and our homes?
fri 13:00HILTON SNSM493 FAN FILM SHORTS nocat rev. Sat Aug 12 23:49:35 2006
fri 13:00ACC SPL495 LYNN MAUDLIN CONCERT nocat rev. Sat Aug 12 23:58:48 2006
Panel Chair: George Cusack, Auburn University, Montgomery 1.Cosmetic Babes and Cosmic 'Bots: Techno-Gender relations in 1950s Sci-Fi Cinema; Robin Chin, UC Santa Barbara 2. The Credentia Walks Among Us: A Re-examination of Alraune in Book and Film; Sharon King, UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
fri 13:30ACC CSP504 BIG BANGS WITH A WORLDCON CHAIR scitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
A selection of chemical reactions with last years Worldcon chairman. So it shouldn’t be TOO dangerous.
fri 14:00ACC ATGR1- AUTOGRAPHING: ERIC FLINTEric Flintautog rev. Thu Aug 24 16:53:57 2006
fri 14:00ACC ATGR2508 AUTOGRAPHING: ALAN RODGERSAlan Rodgersautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 14:00ACC ATGR4509 AUTOGRAPHING: NICK SAGANNick Saganautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 14:00ACC ATGR5510 AUTOGRAPHING: MIKE SHEPHERD MOSCOEMike Shepherd Moscoeautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 14:00HILTON CR9514 READING: FIONA PATTONFiona Pattonreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 14:00ACC CSP505 FANZINES AN INTRODUCTIONLloyd Penney, Joe Siclari, Geri Sullivan(M), Maxfandom rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
An introduction to Fanzines. We have an open solicitation to provide content for some of the best fanzines currently in existence, including four Hugo Nominated fanzines. Editors in attendence.
fri 14:00ACC KAFF1511 KAFFEKLATSCH: DELIA SHERMANDelia Shermankaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 14:00ACC KAFF2512 KAFFEKLATSCH: LARRY NIVENLarry Nivenkaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 14:00ACC KAFF3513 KAFFEKLATSCH: ROBERT J. SAWYERRobert J. Sawyerkaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 14:00HILTON LIDB515 READING: P C. HODGELLP C. Hodgellreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 14:00HILTON LIDC516 READING: JAMES KILLUSJames Killusreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 14:00HILTON SNSM506 FILM PROGRAM: FAHRENHEIT 451 nocat rev. Sat Aug 12 23:49:35 2006
fri 14:00ACC SPL507 KATHY MAR CONCERT nocat rev. Sat Aug 12 23:58:48 2006
fri 14:30ACC 201-B517 PYR: A LOOK FORWARDLou Anders, Mike Resnickwritpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
One of science fiction's newest major publishers give a look at their future publications. Meet our authors.
fri 14:30ACC 201-D518 ERIC S. RAYMOND ON EVERYTHINGEric S. Raymondoneman rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Join OpenSource Evangelist Eric Raymond raving on his many areas of interest: opensource, the hacker culture, the second amendment, etc. Audience participation inevitable.
fri 14:30ACC 202-AB519 BLOGS & THE MEDIACraig Newmark, Craig Engler, Evo Terra, MaryAnn Johanson, Jerry Beck(M)general rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Over the last few years, blogging has exploded. Not just for geeks anymore, even commercial sites now frequently have blogs. There are blogs on every subject and the media has started using blogs not just as marketing tools but as sources for news stories. Vox populi and all that but is this a good thing?
fri 14:30ACC 203-AB535 KIDDOGRAPHY: THE ART AND LIFE OF TOM KIDDTom Kiddoneman rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
A slide show by the artist.
fri 14:30ACC 204-ABC521 BEING ANNE MCCAFFREYAnne McCaffreylit rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
The author of Dragonflight, The Ship Who Sang, and so much more talks about her life and works and answers questions.
fri 14:30ACC 205-A522 SFWA MEETINGSheila Finch(M), Howard V. Hendrix, Robin Wayne Baileymisc/sigs rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
A meeting for members of the Science Fiction Writers of America.
fri 14:30ACC 206-A523 SPACE PATROL: MISSIONS OF DARINGJean-Noel Bassioroneman rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
In many ways, Space Patrol laid the groundwork for Star Trek. What was it like on the set of a live show where anything could go wrong before millions of viewers - and often did? Jean-Noel Bassior discusses the show's groundbreaking contributions to TV production and how and why it taught many baby boomers life lessons they still can't forget.
fri 14:30ACC 207-A524 21ST CENTURY PHYSICSWil McCarthy, Eric M. Van, James P. Hogan, Geoffrey A. Landis(M)scitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
What are we on the verge of discovering? Gravity waves? Quark substructure? Tachyon neutrinos? Natural wormholes? Lab-made black holes?
fri 14:30ACC 207-B525 THE BIDDERS SPEAKVince Dochertyfandom rev. Sat Aug 12 11:07:05 2006
Representatives from the announced bids for the 2008 Worldcon will each give brief presentations and take questions in order to convince you to vote for them. Groups bidding for other years (and other conventions) will also have opportunities to speak about their bids.
fri 14:30ACC 207-C526 LOCUS IN ITS 40TH YEARTim Pratt, Jonathan Strahan, Liza Groen Trombi, Gary K. Wolfe, Charles N. Brown(M)writpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
It's 40th anniversary won't be until next year but in this, it's 40th year, the entire staff of Locus, perhaps the most influential publication in science fiction, gathers together to tell stories, answer questions, and hear what you think.
fri 14:30ACC 208-AB527 OCTAVIA BUTLER: HER WORKS & LIFEMary A. Turzillo, Mark von Schlegell(M), Rachel Manija Brown, Leslie Howlelit rev. Mon Aug 21 14:52:11 2006
A discussion of the works and life of the late and much lamented Octavia Butler.
fri 14:30ACC 210-A528 CULTURE BUILDING 101Hilari Bellwritpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
An interactive workshop on creating cultures for your work and worlds.
fri 14:30ACC 210-B529 LITERARY VS. MEDIA SFScott Edelman(M), James Frenkel, Dr. Isaac Szpindel, Jim Minzlit rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Why the feud? Can't we all just get along?
fri 14:30ACC 210-C530 MAKING DVDS SPECIALGreg Pak, Robert Meyer Burnettmedia rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Let's face it, what we really love about DVDs is all the cool special features. The people who toil in the field of creating them talk about what it takes to make a DVD really special and things coming up in the future.
fri 14:30ACC 210-D531 HOW WE'LL GET THERE -- HUMANS TO MARSGerry Williamsscitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
It has been 34 years since we last stepped foot on the Moon, and Mars is beckoning to us. Plans are bring laid right now to return to the moon and from there go on to set foot on the Red Planet. Mars Society members take a look at all the current plans for exploring and eventually colonizing Mars.
fri 14:30ACC 211-A1010 BWB HUMAN CHESS MATCH: DORNE VS. HIGHGARDENGeorge R.R. Martinmisc/sigs rev. Thu Aug 10 11:21:22 2006
fri 14:30ACC 211-B532 FAN FILMSRob Caves, Kevin Rubiomedia rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Making "amateur" movies goes back in Fandom to at least the 1950s with such films as The Mesquite Kid and The Genie
fri 14:30ACC 212-A533 DISABILITY AND SCIENCE FICTIONMartina Robinsonscitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
A paper on Disability: Where Science Fiction meets Science Fact focusing on assistive technology, attitudes towards disabled people, medical advances, and medical rationing. We'll discuss various visions of "Disability Future" (both utopian and distopian) and which has the most likelihood of happening.
fri 14:30ACC 212-B534 SF IN AUSTRALIASean McMullen(M), David Cake, K. A. Bedfordlit rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Australian authors and fans talk about the works being generated down under and how they differ -- if at all -- from what's created in the US and elsewhere.
fri 14:30ACC AR-1520 WRITING CLASSIC TREKDavid Gerrold, D.C. Fontana, Bob Sabaroffmedia rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Some of the writers of the original Star Trek series talk about the days that were. Did they know they were changing the future?
fri 14:30ACC ARTSH542 DOCENT TOUR: THE ART SHOWUlrika O'Brienart rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Come take a guided tour of the Art Show with a knowledgeable guide who won't lead you astray. Check the schedule for additional tours and guides.
fri 14:30HILTON LAGB537 INSTA-FILK CIRCLELynn Maudlin, Blind Lemming Chiffonfilking rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
How fast can you write and sing a new song? Develop your ability in this arcane skill.
fri 14:30HILTON LAJO536 BELLY DANCING WORKSHOP misc/sigs rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 14:30HILTON PLVD538 FANDOM IN JAPANHiroaki Inoue, Takayuki Karahashifandom rev. Wed Aug 23 16:05:23 2006
Fandom in Japan is different from Fandom in the US. Or is it? Hear about the fans and Fandom of the country that will be hosting next year's Worldcon.
fri 14:30HILTON SLNS539 PERFORMING IN FULL-BODY FURRY COSTUMESJames Cawley(M)furry rev. Wed Aug 23 16:24:14 2006
Discussion group for performers in animal suits that cover from head to toe. Aspects both artistic (how to knock 'em dead on stage!) and practical (how NOT to knock 'em over!)
fri 14:30HILTON SMCA540 SF POETRY JAM writpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Some of science fiction's best poets read selections of their works.
fri 14:30HILTON VENT541 PERSPECTIVES ON SF & MEDIA 3: 21ST CENTURY VISIONS lit rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Panel Chair: Heather Urbanski, Lehigh University 1. Defending the West: Tolkien After 9/11; Faye Ringel, US Coast Guard Academy 2. Whose America Is He Captain of?: Marvel Comics in the Post-9/11 World; George Cusack, Auburn University, Montgomery 3. The Future, After The Year 2000; Eric Sonstroem, University of the Pacific
fri 15:00ACC ATGR1544 AUTOGRAPHING: JANE ESPENSONJane Espensonautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 15:00ACC ATGR2545 AUTOGRAPHING: JAY LAKEJay Lakeautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 15:00ACC ATGR3546 AUTOGRAPHING: JOHN SKIPPJohn Skippautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 15:00ACC ATGR4547 AUTOGRAPHING: CORY DOCTOROWCory Doctorowautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 15:00ACC ATGR5548 AUTOGRAPHING: LOUISE MARLEYLouise Marleyautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 15:00ACC ATGR6549 AUTOGRAPHING: BRIAN P. HERBERT & KEVIN J. ANDERSONBrian P. Herbert, Kevin J. Andersonautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 15:00ACC ATGR7550 AUTOGRAPHING: REBECCA MOESTARebecca Moestaautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 15:00ACC CSP543 ROBOT-MANGA-WARRIOR-PIRATE-FIGHTINGStef Lancaster, Elvis Elder, Simone van Zyl, Max, James Bacon, Lara Collinsgaming rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
The difficulty of operating a Space Mech can never be underestimated; here we offer the cheapest adventure imaginable pitting Mech-Warrior against Mech-Warrior where YOU are inside and in-control of the Mech using your available weapons to destroy your opponent. Only the most violent will win !!!
fri 15:00ACC KAFF1551 KAFFEKLATSCH: SHEILA WILLIAMSSheila Williamskaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 15:00ACC KAFF3552 KAFFEKLATSCH: ALMA ALEXANDERAlma Alexanderkaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 15:00HILTON LIDB554 READING: SHARON SHINNSharon Shinnreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 15:00HILTON LIDC701 READING: DAVE SMEDSDave Smedsreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 15:00ACC SPL555 PRANCING PONY PLAYERS performances rev. Sun Aug 13 08:35:02 2006
Do you have a sense of humor? Are you a fan of The Lord of the Rings trilogy? Do you sing along to Broadway show tunes? Then you'll love the Prancing Pony Players! Join P3 for a half-hour show celebrating Tolkien's trilogy with poetry and parody songs.
fri 16:00ACC 201-B570 PALEO-FANDOM FOR THE YOUNGER FANArt Widner(M)oneman rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
A slide show cum game show of photos from Fandom's past. Just who is that young man?
fri 16:00ACC 201-C560 KEEPING STAR TREK ALIVELinda Deneroff, Marah Searle-Kovacevic(M), Devra Langsam, Jacqueline Lichtenbergtrek rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
It was easy in the '60s. There it was, on the air. And after 1987, there was Star Trek: The Next Generation. But what about in the '70s and '80s, before TNG. What kept Star Trek Fandom alive?
fri 16:00ACC 201-D557 DR. WHO, THEN & NOWMaryAnn Johanson, Shaun Lyon, Scott Alan Woodard, Eric L. Hoffman, Ric Meyers(M)media rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
There's a huge Fandom for Dr. Who but for a lot of other people, the show didn't do much. But the new Dr. Who series (last year in the UK and this year in the US) has won a legion of converts. Is the new show that different from the old one?
fri 16:00ACC 202-AB559 DUNE AGAINKevin J. Anderson, Brian P. Herbertlit rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Kevin J. Anderson and Brian Herbert talk about continuing the Dune series of novels, working from Frank Herbert's notes and manuscripts, and how the project came about.
fri 16:00ACC 203-AB561 CONCEPTUAL ART IN FILMSBob Eggleton, Rick Sternbach, Daren Dochtermanmedia rev. Tue Aug 8 08:12:49 2006
Particularly for science fiction and fantasy films, artwork is created to give everyone working on a film project a sense of place, time, and reality (or lack thereof). Most famous, perhaps, are Ralph McQuarries paintings for Star Wars. Artists talk about their work in this specialized area, what's required and how it feels to create works that will be brought to life
fri 16:00ACC 204-ABC556 AN HOUR WITH WALTER KOENIGWalter Koenigmedia rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Starting in the 1960s, Walter Koenig's Paval Chekov has been a part of Star Trek's long history, on television and in motion pictures. And Chekov's had a career in Star Trek novels as well. This year, Chekov completes his story in New Voyages, being done for the Internet. Walter Koenig will tell us about his adventures as Chekov and with Star Trek and beyond.
fri 16:00ACC 205-A562 AMAZING STORIES: 80TH ANNIVERSARYDavid A. Kyle(M), Richard Chwedyk, Jim Young, Jeff Berkwits, Darrell Schweitzerlit rev. Sat Aug 12 13:40:03 2006
The first all-science-fiction magazine made its debut in 1926 and from it sprang other magazines, readers galore, local clubs, letter columns, and all that surrounds us today. Some of the early writers and readers of the magazine give their memories of how it affected them.
fri 16:00ACC 205-B563 BUYING ART AT ART SHOWSJane Frank(M), Margaret Organ-Kean, Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink, Barry Shortart rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:25 2006
Bidding for art at a science fiction convention art show can be simple. It just seems complicated. Established collectors, auctioneers, and artists will tell you about the mysteries of bid sheets and voice auctions. And about strategies for winning the auctions. They'll also talk about buying art elsewhere than convention art shows.
fri 16:00ACC 206-A564 WRITING WORKSHOPS: THE WHYS AND WHEREFORESLawrence Person, James Patrick Kelly, Mel Gilden(M), Nick DiChario, Tim Powerswritpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Are they even worthwhile? People who have taught at Writing Workshops and others who have taken them discuss the benefits and pitfalls of these writing roundtables.
fri 16:00ACC 207-A565 ZEN SCAVENGER HUNTMary A. Turzillo, Geri Sullivan, David D. Levine, Pat Cadigan, John Pomeranz(M)misc/sigs rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Panelists each bring ten items. Audience members ask for a type of item, a la a standard scavenger hunt. The panelists will then have to show one of the items they've brought and try to convince the audience that their item is the best match for what was requested.
fri 16:00ACC 207-B566 MAGAZINES: FLOURISHING OR WITHERING AWAY?Gordon Van Gelder, Ellen Datlow(M), Scott Edelman, Sheila Williams, Bridget McKennawritpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
There used to be pulp magazines by the score publishing science fiction and fantasy, later to be supplanted by "prozines" and slick magazines. But there are fewer and fewer now. Or are there? Are the magazines surviving? Are the moving over to the internet? Or are the publications there a whole 'nother thing?
fri 16:00ACC 207-C567 COMMERCE & ART: CENSORSHIP OR COMMERCIAL REALITYJohn Skipp, Jean-Noel Bassior, James Stanley Daugherty, George R.R. Martin(M), Laura Anne Gilmangeneral rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Some editors/publishers just don't like what you have to say. Is that censorship? Some don't want to publish anything controversial, to face the potential wrath of the Fundamentalists or the Parent Groups. It's their money; isn't it their choice?
fri 16:00ACC 207-D568 NANOTECHNOLOGY: THE FUTURE OR A DYING FAD?Brad Templeton, Mark L. Olson, Kathleen Ann Goonanscitech rev. Sat Aug 12 11:59:58 2006
Is super-miniaturized science the wave of the future or just another passing fancy?
fri 16:00ACC 208-AB569 HAS SF KILLED THE SPACE PROGRAM?Michael Cassutt, Paul A. Abell(M), Jerry Pournelle, Tobias S. Buckell, Allen M. Steelescitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
There are some people who think the slick and easy answers of science fiction have turned people off to the hard and slow progress real space exploration takes. Why did we go to the moon and then turn back?
fri 16:00ACC 210-A558 CLASSICS REMEMBERED: BRAVE NEW WORLDVanessa Van Wagner, John F. Hertz, Michael Engelberg(M), Brenda Cooper, John Kessellit rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:25 2006
Written by Aldous Huxley from outside our field, perhaps with many things to teach us. Protest and poetry hold it together. There's warning here; is there hope? Why? What makes the satire sting?
fri 16:00ACC 210-B571 SWIMMING IN THE GENE POOLNancy Kress, Bill Thomasson, Jody Lynn Nye, John Scalzi, David Friedman(M)general rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
What are the ethical problems of the Human Genome Project? Are we playing God when we fool around with genes and chromosomes? Can a world of all blonde and blue-eyed children be far behind? When we can work miracles on the molecular level, will the people in areas we can "correct" be discriminated against?
fri 16:00ACC 210-C572 STRANGER THAN SCIENCE FICTIONMargaret Wander Bonanno, Joe W. Haldeman, John G. Hemry(M), Janine Ellen Youngwritpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to be believable. Panelists discuss things which really happened but which they could not use in their writing because no one would believe they'd actually occur.
fri 16:00ACC 210-D573 ASSISTANT EDITORS: GLORIFIED GOPHERS OR FINDERS OF HIDDEN GEMS?Beth Meacham, Andrew Wheeler, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Ginjer Buchanan(M), James Frenkelwritpub rev. Wed Aug 23 15:41:45 2006
Most of us have little idea of exactly what an editor at a publishing company does. And we have no idea what an assistant editor does. Some editors and assistant editors fill us in on their place in the process.
fri 16:00ACC 211-A574 MYSTERIES & SCIENCE FICTIONJohn Maddox Roberts, Charlaine Harris, Jon L. Breen(M), K. A. Bedford, Barbara Hamblylit rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Lots of science fiction writers also write mysteries: Vance, Brackett, Kuttner, Boucher. Some, like Niven, have written science fiction mysteries. Is there something inherently linking the two genres or is it just wide-ranging tastes and interests?
fri 16:00ACC 211-B575 THE KILLER B'S & A VVernor Vinge, Greg Bear, Dr. Gregory Benford(M), David Bringeneral rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Bear, Benford, Brin, and Vernor Vinge talk about The Bullets You Don't Hear. Which ones will get us, and why worry?
fri 16:00ACC 212-A576 ANTHROPOLOGY OF THE FUTURESteven Barnes(M), Rudy Rucker, Lisa Snellings-Clark, G. David Nordleygeneral rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
With all the changes in our world -- political, social, economic, and scientific -- what will it be like for us, as people, to live in the future. What will the human condition be like?
fri 16:00ACC 212-B577 ANIME 101Tom Schaad(M), Fred Patten, Rachel Manija Brownmedia rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Ten years ago, it was being called "Japanimation" and its viewership was limited. Now, it's the hottest thing in animation with some of the best-rated shows on television anime imports. Hundreds of different titles are being sold on DVD. What made the audiences take notice? How is anime different from American and European animation?
fri 16:00ACC ATGR1586 AUTOGRAPHING: DOSELLE YOUNGDoselle Youngautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 16:00ACC ATGR2587 AUTOGRAPHING: ELIZABETH BEARElizabeth Bearautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 16:00ACC ATGR4589 AUTOGRAPHING: JAMES P. HOGANJames P. Hoganautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 16:00ACC ATGR5590 AUTOGRAPHING: STEPHEN LEIGH / S.L. FARRELLStephen Leighautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 16:00HILTON CAPAB579 CYNTHIA MCQUILLIN MEMORIAL CIRCLESteve Savitzky, David Kushner, Joey Shojifilking rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Joey Shojii leads a commemoration of Cynthia McQuillin’s life and music.
fri 16:00HILTON CR9595 READING: ELIZABETH GILLIGANElizaBeth Gilliganreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 16:00ACC CSP580 COMICS RECOMMENDATIONSEric Shanower, Len Wein, Steve Saffelcomics rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
We ask an eminent bunch to recommend comics for our teenage audience, perhaps comics they wished they read when they were teens, or comics they did read when they were teens.
fri 16:00ACC KAFF1591 KAFFEKLATSCH: KAY KENYONKay Kenyonkaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 16:00ACC KAFF2592 KAFFEKLATSCH: WILLIAM SHUNNWilliam Shunnkaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 16:00ACC KAFF3593 KAFFEKLATSCH: PETER S. BEAGLEPeter S. Beaglekaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 16:00HILTON LAJO175 GLASS HARMONICA DEMONSTRATIONLouise Marley, William Zeitlermisc/sigs rev. Sat Aug 12 12:51:24 2006
Benjamin Franklin invented it and Mozart and Beethoven wrote for it. Louise Marley talks about the history, mysteries, and misconceptions that surround it and William Wilde Zeitler will perform on it.
fri 16:00HILTON LIDB- READING: DR. ISAAC SZPINDELDr. Isaac Szpindelreadings rev. Thu Aug 24 09:08:34 2006
fri 16:00HILTON LIDC596 READING: MELINDA M. SNODGRASSMelinda M. Snodgrassreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 16:00HILTON PLVD581 WHAT MAKES A GOOD FANZINE?Jerry Kaufman(M), John-Henri Holmberg, Suzanne Tompkins, Spike, Lenny Bailesfandom rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Is it the community, the gestalt, or the craft?
fri 16:00HILTON SLNS582 WHERE IS THE DOG SCIENCE FICTION? furry rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
With fandom's well-versed love affair with cats, our canine companions often get left out of things -- like what we read! Can dogs and their kin be as appealing an inspiration for stories?
fri 16:00HILTON SMCA578 ALIEN HUMANSCecilia Tan(M), Robert Silverberg, Robert Charles Wilsongeneral rev. Sat Aug 12 12:44:37 2006
There are straight men who write about Gay characters. Women who write about men. Men who write about women. Gays who write about Straights. Is that very different from writing about Martians?
fri 16:00HILTON SNSM583 FILM PROGRAM: NEW VOYAGES nocat rev. Sat Aug 12 23:49:35 2006
fri 16:00ACC SPL584 JEFF & MAYA BOHNHOFF CONCERT nocat rev. Sat Aug 12 23:58:48 2006
fri 16:00HILTON SUNS820 SF IN JAPANTakayuki Tatsumilit rev. Tue Aug 22 16:49:31 2006
Authors and fans from Japan talk about the works being created there and how they differ -- if at all -- from what's written in the US and elsewhere.
fri 16:00HILTON VENT585 PERSPECTIVES ON SF & MEDIA 4: SF MEDIA AND FANDOM lit rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Panel Chair: Kim Knight, UC Santa Barbara 1. The Urge for Immersion: the Social Distinction Between Forms of Textual Interface in Fantasy and Science Fiction; Richard Becker, Independent Scholar 2. Is Cyberspace Racialized? (Science Fiction Websites); Robin Y. Mabry Hubbard, Univ of Missouri, Columbia 3. Hypercapitalism in Hyperspace: The Exploitation of Fan Style; Brian J. Burns, George Washington University
fri 17:00ACC ATGR1600 AUTOGRAPHING: JAMES KILLUSJames Killusautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 17:00ACC ATGR3601 AUTOGRAPHING: DAVID GERROLDDavid Gerroldautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 17:00ACC ATGR4602 AUTOGRAPHING: SEAN WILLIAMSSean Williamsautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 17:00ACC ATGR5603 AUTOGRAPHING: VALERIE ESTELLE FRANKELValerie Estelle Frankelautog rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 17:00HILTON CR9606 READING: VERA NAZARIANVera Nazarianreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 17:00ACC CSP598 ZOMBIE PIRATESStef Lancaster, Elvis Elder, Simone van Zyl, Max, James Bacon, Lara Collinscostuming rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Time to get messy and corpse like when the team transform you from a mild-mannered human into a flesh-craving, ship-stealing avatar of death – Zombie Pirates!!! With undead pirates and school kids being the theme, we get pointers on how to act like a zombie from the team. Fake,but REAL looking blood and wounds will be common here - the squeamish need not apply! (Warning–some fake blood may stain. Bring costume that you don’t mind being ripped/torn/distressed and BLOODIED!!!!! We should have some spare tho)
fri 17:00ACC KAFF1604 KAFFEKLATSCH: MELINDA M. SNODGRASSMelinda M. Snodgrasskaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 17:00ACC KAFF3605 KAFFEKLATSCH: GLEN COOKGlen Cookkaffe rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 17:00HILTON LIDB- READING: KARL SCHROEDERKarl Schroederreadings rev. Thu Aug 24 10:40:32 2006
fri 17:00HILTON LIDC607 READING: AMY STERLING CASILAmy Sterling Casilreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 17:00HILTON SUNS608 READING: ALAN DEAN FOSTERAlan Dean Fosterreadings rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 17:30ACC 201-B609 MILITARY STORIESJohn Maddox Roberts, Jim Minz, William B. Fawcett(M)lit rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:26 2006
From the science fiction pulps to today, stories with military settings have been a staple of science fiction. Why is it so popular? Does it work as well in fantasy stories? What are some of the best examples of military stories in either genre? And why don't some stories work?
fri 17:30ACC 201-C610 SHERLOCK HOLMES & SCIENCE FICTIONJohn R. Douglas, Jody Lynn Nye, Fiona Avery(M), Jon L. Breen, Barbara Hamblylit rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:25 2006
We all know the great detective. He's somehow come to fascinate science fiction authors. There are probably hundreds of Holmesian references throughout science fiction, and some authors have come up with their own version, including Derleth's Solar Pons. What captivates us so about Holmes?
fri 17:30ACC 202-AB611 WHEN THINGS GO WRONG IN SPACESteve Collins(M), Michael Cassutt, Jordin Kare, Wil McCarthy, Elizabeth Klein-Lebbinkscitech rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:26 2006
A discussion of how scientists discover, analyze, and work around spacecraft problems. Do they still do it like they did in "Apollo 13"? See how the scientific method really works.
fri 17:30ACC 203-AB612 CAN SCIENCE FICTION CHANGE THE WORLD?Cecilia Tan(M), Craig Newmark, Sean McMullen, David Brin, Cory Doctorowgeneral rev. Wed Aug 9 08:51:18 2006
Science fiction is more than just stories; it's ideas and inspiration. But can it change the world? Some people who are trying to do just that, by inspiring people through their works or who have been inspired by science fiction and are trying to take action, talk about what they're doing and what you can do.
fri 17:30ACC 205-A613 CREATING LANGUAGEDr. Lawrence M. Schoen, Vernor Vinge, Rudy Rucker, Harry Harrison, Lorien Gray(M)general rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Language and culture are linked. What concepts need words? How does the environment affect the language? What does it take to create a realistic, usable language?
fri 17:30ACC 205-B614 GUESS THE ARTISTJohn F. Hertz(M), Bob Eggleton, Tom Kidd, Greg Bear, Jane Frank, Alex Eisensteinart rev. Wed Aug 9 08:51:18 2006
It's a game. No, it's a lesson in science fiction art history. Wait! You're both right! Come see a show of cover art by a variety of top artists from today and the past. Try to identify the artist. Hear why our panel of "experts" is sure it's by Michael Whalen or Richard Powers or Virgil Finlay.
fri 17:30ACC 206-A615 THE FUTURE OF NATIONS AND POLICIES IN THE MIDDLE EASTLawrence Person, J.G. Hertzler, Tad Daley, James W. Fiscus, Jim Young(M)general rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Is there one? Where is it going? Is there any hope for stabilization, let alone peace, in their (and our) future?
fri 17:30ACC 207-A616 INTERMEDIATE WRITINGMike Shepherd Moscoe, Deborah J Ross(M), Jay Lake, David D. Levinewritpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
So you've sold a couple things. Now what? How do you keep up your motivation, overcome writer's block, and reach your next goal? And what should that goal be? How do you maintain your momentum?
fri 17:30ACC 207-B617 STYLE VS. SUBSTANCEJames Patrick Kelly(M), Eric M. Van, Ellen Datlow, Eileen Gunnlit rev. Fri Aug 25 12:02:43 2006
Is science fiction becoming too concerned about literary style at the expense of storytelling?
fri 17:30ACC 207-C618 EXTRATERRESTRIALSThomas R. McDonough(M), Roger MacBride Allen, Geoffrey A. Landis, John Scalzi, G. David Nordleyscitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Where are the Extraterrestrials? Why haven't we been contacted? A gold mine for SF ideas, the academic study of this problem has come a long way in the last 10 years. Are we victims of a galactic conspiracy, or is the forest full of wolves?
fri 17:30ACC 207-D619 THE ETHICS OF CLONINGBill Thomasson, Brad Templeton(M), David Friedman, Elisabeth Malartrescitech rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:26 2006
At some point, it seems pretty likely there will be clones. Body parts at first but, eventually, cloned beings. What rights would they have? What rights won't they have? What about for robots or androids?
fri 17:30ACC 208-AB620 BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: THEN & NOWGreg Pak, Chris Roberson, Kevin Rubio, Dr. Kevin R. Grazier, MOJO, Brad Linaweavermedia rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
The two versions of this series couldn't be more different. The original series, while fun, was far from great. Rolling Stone named the new version the best drama on television. Why do people still love the original series? What's the difference between them?
fri 17:30ACC 210-A621 THE BUSINESS OF WRITINGGay Haldeman(M), Rebecca Moesta, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Eleanor Wood, Kevin J. Andersonwritpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Inside you there's a hundred stories, crying to get out. Characters who need to be brought to life. But you still need to eat and pay the rent. What do you have to know and do (besides how to write).
fri 17:30ACC 210-B622 THE INCREDIBLESJohn G. Hemry, Richard Chwedyk, Ric Meyers, Chris M. Barkley(M), Janine Ellen Youngcomics rev. Wed Aug 9 21:29:42 2006
Was The Incredibles simply the best super-hero movie ever made? So what if it was a comedy? The animation was amazing, and the writing was even better. Why are so many other super-hero movies so much worse?
fri 17:30ACC 210-C623 MARS IN THE MOVIESGerry Williamsmedia rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Since 1910, when Thomas Alva Edison lensed A Trip to Mars, the red planet Mars has been a favorite topic of over 100 feature films. Gerry Williams, creator of the MarsMovieGuide.com, takes us on a multimedia tour of some of the best (as well as the worst) movies about Mars ever made.
fri 17:30ACC 210-D624 WRITING: THE LONG & THE SHORT OF ITNancy Kress, Kate Elliott(M), Ellen Kushner, William F. Wu, Nick DiChariowritpub rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Why are some people good at writing novels but not short stories? What does it take for an idea to be `novel length'? Are short stories just like novels only you finish sooner?
fri 17:30ACC 211-A625 A PROUD AND LONELY THINGLinda Deneroff(M), Devra Langsam, Jacqueline Lichtenbergtrek rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Some fans from Star Trek's early days talk about what it was like being a Trekkie (or Trekker) way back when.
fri 17:30ACC 211-B626 WHY IS SCIENCE FICTION SO WHITE?Elizabeth Bear(M), Ian McDonald, Fiona Patton, Alan Rodgerswritpub rev. Sat Aug 12 11:34:34 2006
An exploration of minorities in Science Fiction, both the writers and their characters.
fri 17:30ACC 212-A627 UNEXPECTED HEROES OF THE FUTUREHoward V. Hendrix(M), Brenda Cooper, Steve Franklingeneral rev. Thu Aug 24 17:01:02 2006
Who will the future consider to be heroes? John Brown's stock went up considerably with time. If some scientists are correct about global warming and the threat to the environment, will future historians consider Eco-Terrorists heroes? Who will the future revere?
fri 17:30ACC 212-B628 CHILDREN'S FANTASYHilari Bell(M), Garth Nix, Sharon Shinn, Delia Sherman, Catherine S. McMullenlit rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
What is children's fantasy? How does it compare with "adult" works? Does a work ever crossover between the two areas and what does it take to do it?
fri 17:30ACC CSP629 LIVE ACTION ZOMBIE QUIDDITCH - HOGWARTS VS. PIRATESStef Lancaster, Elvis Elder, Simone van Zyl, Max, James Bacon, Lara Collinsgaming rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
You’ll lose your head if the Quaffle hits it! A Live Game of Qudditch, dressed as Zombies (come to the panel before this one to become undead and bloody!)
fri 17:30HILTON LAGA599 IN CONCERT: LYNN MAUDLINLynn Maudlinfilking rev. Thu Aug 24 11:37:51 2006
fri 17:30HILTON LAJO630 A BEER CAN TOWER TO THE MOON AND OTHER FABULOUS FAN PROJECTSJohn Trimble, Len J. Moffatt, David Bratman(M)fandom rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
There have been all sorts of projects over the years, and some of them even worked. There have been bibliographic projects, fan funds, building funds, and conventions that even attracted hundreds of people. Also our never ending effort to get organized. Here about the ones that worked and the ones that plunged all of Fandom into war.
fri 17:30HILTON PLVD631 FANDOM IN THE '60SMilton F. Stevens(M), Anthony R. Lewis, David A. Kyle, Rich Lynch, Lenny Bailesfandom rev. Wed Aug 9 08:40:25 2006
Richard Lynch is hard at work on his history of SF Fandom in the 1960s. He's got an outline worked out. Come hear about his progress, offer support, information, corrections, etc.
fri 17:30HILTON SLNS632 VENUS IN FURSLisanne Normanfurry rev. Wed Aug 23 16:24:35 2006
The adult and erotic aspects of furry art and story. What's the appeal of characters that aren't even human?
fri 17:30HILTON SMCA633 PROMETHEUS AWARDS CEREMONYF. C. Moultonmisc/sigs rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
The Libertarian Futurist Society awards ceremony to present the Prometheus Best Novel Award and other Awards. The LFS gives awards to creative works of SF which deal with Libertarian themes.
fri 17:30ACC SPL634 DIPS (THE DELPHINUS INTERGALACTIC PARCEL SERVICE) performances rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
DIPS is a new internet episodic comedy show. The lead characters, Commander Firestone Q. Josh, Roscoe Gryzwinski, and Digit are delivery people for a futuristic UPS-like company, DIPS (Delphinius Intergalactic Parcel Service). Like a dysfunctional family on a long distance car trip, the three must work together in a horribly tiny Chevette Class vessel known as the Upton. While they try to get their package to it's destination across the galaxies, they are confronted with accidents, asteroids, aliens... and a real ass of a boss. In full costume with some of their tiny ship set, they'll improvise an "episode" of DIPS with complete audience participation. By getting suggestions from the audience, the rag tag crew will set out on their journey, stopping for new suggestions to launch the story in unexpected directions. It promises to be funny, silly and definitely unique.
fri 18:00HILTON LAGA635 IN CONCERT: DICK ENEYDick Eneyfilking rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 18:00HILTON SNSM636 FILM PROGRAM: HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE nocat rev. Sat Aug 12 23:49:35 2006
fri 19:00HILTON LAGA638 IN CONCERT: MOIRA STERN (TO THE MEMORY OF CYNTHIA MCQUILLIN)Moira Sternfilking rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 19:00HILTON LAJO637 JEWISH SERVICES misc/sigs rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 20:00ACC ARENA639 MASQUERADEPhil Foglioevents rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Traditionally one the highlights of the convention. Costuming experts from around the world sometimes spend the entire year preparing for this event. Come see what they've created. And while the judges deliberate, L.A.'s own Lux Theater takes over the stage for halftime with "Lux After Dark!" Set at L'Etoile Rouge, Space Academy's own Kingdom of Night-time pleasures, witness a tale of passion, jealousy, and betrayal among the young and beautiful creatures of the underworld. Plus singing, dancing, and the galaxy's most infamous Can-Can Dancers!
fri 20:00HILTON LAGA640 IN CONCERT: STEVE SAVITZKYSteve Savitzkyfilking rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 20:30HILTON LAGA- IN CONCERT: ROBERTA ROGOWRoberta Rogowfilking rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
fri 20:30HILTON SNSM641 LUCAS BACK IN ANGER nocat rev. Sat Aug 12 23:49:35 2006
fri 21:00HILTON CAPAB642 THEME CIRCLE: EXPLORING THE DEPTHS OF OSEMary Creasey, Bill Roperfilking rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
It's Ose, Ose and More-ose with this crew.
fri 21:00HILTON LAGB643 THEME CIRCLE: SPACE FLIGHTSteve Savitzky, Lynn Maudlin, Gary Ehrlichfilking rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Fly with us in song to the Moon, the Stars, and Beyond.
fri 21:30HILTON SNSM644 PETER GREENWOOD'S SCI-FI TV nocat rev. Sat Aug 12 23:49:35 2006
fri 22:00HILTON SMCA646 THE MORALS OF FUTURE SEXCecilia Tan(M), Paul Cornell, Pat Cadiganscitech rev. Tue Aug 8 06:20:27 2006
Sex between two people - the morals of that are pretty well worked out and everyone knows where they, um, stand on the subject. But we've already got sex toys, and in recent years, with the advances of technology, "teledildonics" has brought computers into the bedroom. What's going to happen with sex in the future? Sex with not just dolls but androids? With specially created clones? Are there any rules? Should there be? What about moral issues? (This will be a late evening panel.)