Chaz Boston Baden,
This web site is maintained by
Chaz Boston Baden
with assistance from Scott Beckstead, Leane Verhulst,
and a small furry creature from Alpha Centauri.
Kibbitzing, elbow joggling, and occasional useful suggestions supplied by the exec.
Chaz is currently the leader and official spokesman for the webmastering team, although he could be deposed at any time. Elayne Pelz, head of the Administration Division, is our overlord, and takes care of maintaining and uploading the membership list. Scott Beckstead works on special projects, such as the staff website. Leane Verhulst assists in the care and feeding of the website. (And boy, is it a hungry beast! :-)
Server is hosted by Dreamhost
in L.A.
We thank George Mitchell, David Dyer-Bennet, and Tony Cratz for early support in donating space.
Chaz also says: Thanks are due to Christian B. McGuire for entrusting
me with the web site,
to Dan Deckert for backing me to the hilt the
last time we had a Worldcon here, and to Brian Lucas for starting all of
us off in 1994 with the first Worldcon website (now lost to the
sands of time). Also to Erik V. Olson for his work with
Chicon 2000
and Sharon Sbarsky for her own examples, including
her work on
Millennium Philcon
and then
Noreascon 4.
Some comments that have arrived:
"I think the web site looks terrific. Thanks for the
great (and corrected!) maps." (Sandy Cohen, 10-Sep-2003)
"Transport by Sea? And bicycle? You crack me up. Thanks for making me laugh this morning!" (Karen, 04-Oct-2003)
"I am having so much fun just planning this and looking over events from past years... Anyway, your web site is a wonder and thank you for the opportunity to say how pleased I am to be with you." (MaryLou Brkovich, 19-Jun-2006)