Webmastering team,
Hotels, Top updated -- Hilton and Marriott "Quiet" room blocks are SOLD OUT. Rooms are still available on the Lanai level of the Hilton, but they are going fast.
Hotels and Facilities updated.
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Confirmed Program Participants -- Added Bacigalupi, J. Daugherty, K. Daugherty, Dochterman, Gossett, Kozicki, Melching, L. Miller, Perry, Pickett, Ray, J. Smith, Standlee, and N. Wolfman. Updated entry for Aiken and Hertz. Deleted Burstein, J. Roberson and Vornholt.
Members Home Pages -- Added Cara King.
Dealers -- List of dealers added. If you know of websites for any of the dealers list, please write to the webmasters.
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Special Exhibits -- Added "History of L.A. Conventions" and "The Road to L.A.con IV" exhibits.
Committee -- Updated Chairman, Exhibits, Member Services, Program Divisions.
Conversion -- Moved up pre-reg cut-off to 10-Aug-2006.
Memberships -- Moved up pre-reg cut-off to 10-Aug-2006.
Handicapped Services -- Added price for scooter rentals and credit card links for same.
Hugo Nominees -- Corrected File 770 link.
Confirmed Program Participants updated.
Members Home Pages -- Added Traci Castleberry, Rina Elson, David Keck.
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Disney Tickets -- No signature required for Certified Mail.
Hugo Nominees -- Removed "Banana Wings" e-mail link.
Memberships -- "Memberships are not refundable but can be transferred."
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Confirmed Program Participants -- Added Aiken, Buckell, Castro, Coghill, Eley, Ellis, Englehart, Ginsberg, Goodwin, Grazier, Guran, J. Levine, Merlino, Minz, Morgenstern, O'Reilly, Olsen, J. Trimble, and Ward. Updated entries for Bradshaw, Brin, Parsons, and Sagan. Deleted Barlowe, Lazzaro, and Shawna McCarthy.
Confirmed Program Participants -- Deleted A. Robinson, Kleba, and Priest.
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Members Home Pages -- Added Liz LaValley.
Confirmed Program Participants -- Dropped Higgins and Shearman.
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Committee -- Updated Chairman, Admin, Exhibits Division.
Writers Workshop -- Updated with some of the people participating.
Members Home Pages -- Added David Brukman, Samantha Henderson, Eugene Iiams, Raoul P. Mongilardi, Matthew Peterson, Chris Volk, and Lynda Williams.
Special Exhibits -- Added blurb for Star Trek wax exhibit, RoboDox 599.
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Confirmed Program Participants -- Added Arnold, Bedford, Bohnhoff, Day, Devereaux, Duane, Elofson,
Frankel, Friedman, Harrigan, Harvia, Hendrix, Koster, Kotas, Kyle, Leigh, B. MacDermott, Malartre, Mallory,
Marley, Masterson, Mead, Mennenga, K. Miller, Monette, Morwood, Parker, Shinn, Short, Terra, and Willson.
Updated entries for Bradshaw, Drum, Fontana, Hunt, Kato, McDonough, Mather, Noxon, Shirley, Stemmle, and Tomomatsu.
Removed Dann, Garris, Nordling, Roddenberry, Rusch, Saberhagen, and D.W. Smith.
Star Trek's 40th Anniversary -- Added Chase Masterson.
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Lego in Science Fiction -- Added Tri-Wheel model.
Sci-Fi and Fantasy Vehicles -- Added Ariel Ambulance.
Special Exhibits -- Added Planetary Science Institute exhibit, original Star Trek bridge, San Diego Mars Society, and Raku Ray Guns. Moved Ariel Ambulance to "Confirmed."
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Membership List updated.
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Confirmed Program Participants -- Updated entry for James Bacon.
Geographic Breakdown, Membership List updated.
Special Exhibits -- Added page for Kim Gottlieb-Walker's exhibits.
Photography Exhibits -- Added page to describe our various photography exhibits.
Disney Tickets added.
Conversion -- Raised rates to "at-the-door" prices.
Installment Plan -- Installment plan discontinued.
Memberships -- Raised rates to "at-the-door" prices.
Registration Form -- Raised rates to "at-the-door" prices.
Registration Form, Australian Dollars -- Raised rates to "at-the-door" prices.
Registration Form, Canadian Dollars -- Raised rates to "at-the-door" prices.
Registration Form, Euros -- Raised rates to "at-the-door" prices.
Registration Form, UK Pounds -- Raised rates to "at-the-door" prices.
Progress Reports -- Added Progress Report 5.
Site credits -- Added some nice things Marylou Brkovich said about us.